Compreu el permís de conduir romanès amb totes les funcions en línia

All drivers in Romania must be in possession of a registered driving license gotten after you pass the required trainings. For some people in Romania it is difficult to pass the required test and also you must pass other medical examinations, all this is time consuming with no guarantee of passing, if you can drive already there is no need to go through all these as you can buy a fully featured Romanian driving license with all security features that meets the standards set buy Romanian authorities for driving license checks from us and get it delivered to you in less than 4 working days.

We also work with clients who want to change their driving license categories, their driving license have been revoked or suspended for minor traffic violations, clients who don’t meet all the necessary requirements to enroll for driving training.

Your Romanian driving license is produced with the latest technologies, quality materials, security features and also registered on the national database through our Romanian diplomatic backchannel.

Why People Buy Romanian Driving License

If you want an easy, fast and reliable way of getting a registered Romanian driving license then buying a fully featured Romanian driving license from us is the best way. Here are some reasons people buy driving license from us.

  1. our driving license are as genuine as those issued by Romanian authorities after you pass a driving training test with the exception that you don’t have to do any test or meet other requirements before buying a driving license from us.
  2. És més fàcil comprar el carnet de conduir si ja saps conduir que passar pel llarg procés de formació d'una autoescola.
  3. Heu fracassat la formació de conducció, que és més evident, ja que les autoescoles incentiven els instructors de conducció que els promouen a suspendre els estudiants per errors menors.
  4. El vostre permís de conduir és revocat o suspès per infraccions lleus de trànsit
  5. you want to drive while in Romania and you are from a non-EU country and don’t have an International driving permit.

Regardless of your reasons we produce for you a fully featured Romanian driving license.

Who can drive in Romania?

It would be a shame not to take advantage of the beautiful local roads in Romania Whether you are coming for a short stay or traveling for a period of time in Romania.

Do you need another driving license? What are the driving rules in Romania? Let’s find out!
In general, foreigners can drive with their national driver’s license or any international driver’s license, only if they stay in the country for no more than 90 days. Beyond that, he will need to obtain a Romanian driver’s license.
For this license exchange, expats will need to go to the police station that is closest to their place of residence.

Exchange EU and other EEA driving license in Romania

You must change your non-EU driving license unless you settle in Romania (you usually live at least 185 days a year in Romania or return to an address periodically due to personal relationship, although you live in a different country).
To change your driver’s license from outside the EU:
access the competent community public service authority in whose territorial radius you reside (in general, the prefecture in each county),
hand over the following documents:

  1. a valid documents certifying that you have legal residence in Romania
  2. your driving license translated into Romanian language
  3. identification document
  4. medical certificate proving that the holder is fit to drive the categories of vehicles mentioned in the driver’s license presented for exchange
  5. proof of payment of taxes and fees prescribed by the exchange of the law that registered the driver’s license.

Buy Buying a Romanian driving license from us you can bypass all this process.

Just received my new Romanian driving license I ordered after my license got denied for the 2 time thank you guys for making my dreams of driving a reality


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