Buy Driving license

You can buy a driving license for any EU country од нас и испоручићемо за само 3 до 5 дана. Такође, можете равноправно купити праву возачку дозволу за следеће земље.

сад, UK, КанадаАустралија, Belarus, Русија, Украјина, Јерменија, Албанија, Азербејџан, Исланд, Лихтенштајн, Молдавија, Црна Гора, Северна Македонија, Норвешка, Србија, Швајцарска и Турска

Наша глобална мрежа, која се постепено развијала од 2004. године, сада је веома моћна тврдња. Наше возачке дозволе су стварне и у потпуности опремљене свим најновијим међународно прихваћеним карактеристикама возачке дозволе, тако да их можете користити где год да су применљиве широм света. Штавише, имамо клијенте који купују возачку дозволу од нас широм света и листа наших клијената се стално шири.

Наш примарни циљ је да задовољимо наше клијенте који купују возачке дозволе са најбољим квалитетом.

Код нас Ваше возачке дозволе вам достављамо на време и имамо најбоље цене за возачке дозволе.

Driving license features

We produce you driver’s license using the latest up to date technologies outlined by the country of your driver’s license. these include features that are regularly checked during driving license inspections and also your information will be safely stored on national license database.

Our driving license are produced with Holograms, High quality materials and fibers, Laser engraving, optical variable ink.

With all these features present on your driving license when checked by security you do not need to be scared because we go the extra mile to get our contacts in all countries to make sure your driving license are as real as those issued after a driving training.

Купите руску возачку дозволу

Driving license Categories

driving license category

To drive specific vehicles or motorcycle you will need to have a driver’s license with that specific category.

we provide driving license in all  available categories for countries in the EU,USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Albanian, Azerbaijan, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, and Turkey.

We produce driving license in the following categories.

  1. category AM — for 2-wheel and 3-wheel vehicles with a maximum design speed of not more than 45 km/h, as well as light quadricycles
  2. category A1 — for light motorcycles with a cylinder capacity not more than 125 cubic centimeters and a power rating less than 11 kW
  3. category A2 — for motorcycles with a power rating under 35 kW
  4. category A — for heavy motorcycles without power restrictions
  5. category B — for passenger vehicles weighing up to 3,500 kg and seating not more than eight passengers
  6. category BE — for a vehicle of category B towing a heavy trailer of under 3,500 kg
  7. category B1 (optional) — for quadricycles
  8. category C1 — for goods vehicles between 3,500 kg and 7,500 kg and for up to eight passengers
  9. category C1E — for a vehicle of category C1 or B towing a heavy trailer; with a combined mass of up to 12,000 kg
  10. category C — for goods vehicles weighing more than 3,500 kg and seating not more than eight passengers
  11. category CE — for a vehicle of category C towing a heavy trailer
  12. category D1 — for passenger vehicles built for fewer than 16 passengers and that is no longer than 8 m
  13. category D1E — for a vehicle of category D1 towing a heavy trailer
  14. category D — for passenger vehicles for more than eight passengers
  15. category DE — for a vehicle of category D towing a heavy trailer
  16. light trailers up to 750 kg may be towed with categories B, C1, C, D1 and D

In the USA

  1. Class D

  2. Junior License (DJ)

  3. Commercial Driver’s License (Class A, B, and C)

  4. Taxi and Livery (Class E)

  5. Motorcycles

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